Jeanie Bein, Ph.D.
Holistic Psychologist
Licensed in the States of Washington and Colorado
(Offering Traditional and Integrative Psychotherapy)
* Women * Men * Couples * Adolescents
Dr. Jeanie Bein is located in Bellingham, Washington
Near Lakeway Blvd.
Available for phone counseling and by appointment.
(719) 471-0366
Contact Dr. Jeanie
Appointments available M-F 10:30-6:30
Empowerment & Peace
In addition to my traditional training as a psychologist, I approach therapy holistically, from the perspective of the emotional, cognitive, behavioral, physical, energetic, spiritual and social systems. I draw on a wide variety of tools and methods to most effectively meet your individual needs. For example, traditional cognitive therapy may be supplemented with Holographic Memory Resolution (HMR), Energy Psychology (including EFT, TAT, REIKI and Energy Medicine), EMDR, hypnosis, regression therapy, cord removal, soul retrieval, working with intra-psychic parts and/or other trance work.
Currently I do not accept insurance and hence cannot take Medicaid clients. I will do informal assessments only for current clients. Court testimony is highly discouraged.
Women's issues is a specialty, and this includes women of all ages. Sometimes only another woman can understand a woman's problems. I'll create a nurturing environment which enhances the understanding of your past and the acceptance of your natural self, so that you can grow, making the changes you desire. I also work with men.
Adolescents, Children, and Special Needs
I welcome children 8 and above. Having extensive experience with adolescents, children, and individuals with special needs in schools, and with my own children, I am comfortable with and understand their special challenges and issues. My approach includes creative problem solving, a sense of humor, wonder, patience, and wisdom. Most adult methods can be adapted to children, with parent's permission. Children's confidentiality will be respected within legal guidelines. Your family culture and integrity will be supported with non-judgmental caring.
Impartially and without judgment, I can help couples communicate and work though the challenges and barriers which appear in relationships, so that they can decide on their course and proceed wisely and with care.
Trauma Release
We have all experienced thousands of traumas in varying degrees throughout our lifetimes. These traumas are stored in our bodies, and we go to the subconscious body mind to release them. Trauma is defined as a moment of overwhelm, and can result in everything from PTSD, to a "button" which causes us to over-react, to self-defeating beliefs, to pervasive negative moods, to chronic pain. I use various deep methods that reach the subconscious mind to release traumas effectively: Holographic Memory Resolution (HMR), Energy Psychology, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and Hypnosis.
Holographic Memory Resolution (HMR)
HMR is a new body/mind/emotional energy client-centered technique. This is my favorite method for releasing trauma, as it is quick, painless, and thorough. It can be used with memories, irrational beliefs about oneself, a specific incident, a pervasive mood, a button, or physical pain. Learn more about this elegant method from it's developer, Brent Baum, MA at
Energy Psychology and Eye Movement
Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
Energy techniques include Thought Field Therapy (TFT), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT), and energy medicine. EMDR involves conscious/subconscious processing of the traumatic event using bi-lateral stimulation until it is resolved. These are all powerful brief therapy methods to relieve stuck, irrational thoughts and painful emotions around specific incidents or situations, to achieve release and/or new perspectives, and to correct energy flow. They are also used to enhance optimal behavior, thoughts, and emotions.
Regression Therapy
This is a special method which clients sometimes request. It involves moving to other times through a light trance state, to discover answers to questions, recover "memories," or to learn where a particular symptom originated, in order to release the negative emotional energy associated with it and relieve the symptom.
Contact Dr. Jeanie here with questions or to make an appointment.
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